A good educator is also a good student. We’ve learned a lot over the years from our dedicated clients and we’re thankful for the opportunity to inspire them. In today’s post we want to share how our clients learn to break free from disappointment once they complete our Lifestyle Transformation program. Here are the top five success saboteurs that we’ve narrowed down:
1. You set an expiration date.
The decision to replace junk in favor of healthy fare should be a lifestyle change. Thing is, for most it’s an experiment, a “let’s see how this goes”. And so it goes, until one day it’s not going so well … at all. Guilt sets in and the cycle is born. If you want to be successful long term, you have to create habits that are long term. Don’t go on a diet. Re-stock your kitchen for life. Don’t “see how it goes”. See it as a journey that you intend to conquer (stumbling included).
2. You have a hard time adjusting when the honeymoon is over.
Everything we do, from relationships to what we eat on a daily basis, feels exciting at first. We make plans and feel butterflies and vow to make it work. But like relationships, being healthy loses its honeymoon excitement after awhile. This is NOT a bad thing! In fact, being aware and accepting means you can constantly reinvent the wheel to keep things fresh (just like a relationship). Try something new with your workout routine, look up new recipes, find an accountability buddy; the opportunities are endless!
3. You go hard or go home.
You can certainly attempt to go from 0 to 60 in a flash, but chances are you’ll get there haphazardly and having experienced more bumps in the road than you care to admit. There is a misguided ideology in the global wellness culture today. It is all about extremes and the latest fad to cure a bout of back-to-basics boredom. People can be pushed to their limits in unrealistic and unsustainable ways. They suffer and struggle to maintain and then eventually become exhausted. Learn to breathe, go slow and celebrate your mini milestones; they are much more enjoyable this way.
4. You don’t believe in it.
Yes, getting adequate sleep really can make or break your results. Yes, being stressed really can pack on the pounds. Yes, excess sugar really can cause bloating, gas and fatigue. In order to overcome it all you have to first believe it. We hear about basic principles for being healthy all the time, so much so that we’ve become numb. We assume we’ll sleep some other time, eat right another day, stop stressing only when it’s convenient. And instead of practicing the basics we chase extreme programs that do more harm than good. Instead of seeking something grandiose, start with basic lifestyle principles and you might just be surprised at how effective they are.
5. You choose what you want NOW over what you want MOST.
There’s an adage we recite often to clients who want to reach their goals: you can’t choose what you want right NOW over what you want MOST. That fleeting moment is not worth sabotaging all of your hard work. In order to get from point A to B, you’ve got to take baby steps and dust off when you are derailed. Create a goal board and put up quotes and other inspirational things you find. Write a letter to yourself in the future tense to talk yourself out of making poor choices. Seek encouragement from an accountability buddy or your lifestyle consultant. Pull out all the stops to make sure you are victorious, because you are worth all of that and more. Now, just believe it and the real transformation begins.
Until Next Time,
Inspired Wellness
P.S. If you’re seeking a game changing program that guarantees your success, make sure to apply for one of just FIVE Lifestyle Transformation spots we just opened. Click here to learn more and to apply. We’ll send you a sample recipe and workout as a bonus!
Great reminders to stay focused!
Thanks Michelle, glad you enjoyed the post!