The real backbone of your success…

Are you ready to get fired up!? I hope so, because I want to talk about something GAME-CHANGING for your success.


It’s something that creates the backbone of every single one of your “wins” … in pretty much every area of your life.


It’s your HABITS.


“We don’t rise to the level of our goals; we fall to the level of our habits.” – James Clear


Powerful, huh?


This time of year we start getting geared up to set goals and soon our “New year Resolutions.” And that’s great. 


BUT … without the right habits to back them up, those goals most likely aren’t going to amount to much.


So I want to float this by you: 


What do YOU currently have on autopilot every day? Things like:


  • How you start your day
  • What you eat for lunch

  • Parking near entrances or far away
  • Your workouts
  • Your overall food choices
  • Your nighttime activities
  • What time you go to bed and what time you wake up
  • Reading books or watching TV

  • Drinking water or soda
  • etc.


You get the picture. 


Now, go through your habits and PINPOINT the ones that are actually helping you to reach your goals … and also the ones that need an upgrade.


You don’t have to overhaul everything. Just choose ONE to start with.


The goal is to upgrade your habits to the “level” of your goals. 


That way, when you DO reach those goals, you’re able to maintain them!


Make it an amazing day,




  1. Sandra D December 28, 2020 at 5:33 pm - Reply

    Its so easy to fall into bad habits! You’re right though….pinpointing the ones that are actually helping you reach your goals and modifying others along the way is key.

  2. Angela December 28, 2020 at 5:57 pm - Reply

    That’s really inspiring.we should start our day with relaxing and same routine .love it.

  3. Heather December 29, 2020 at 1:59 am - Reply

    I completely agree! I find that I am so much more productive when I have a plan.

  4. Yeah Lifestyle December 29, 2020 at 10:04 am - Reply

    Creating and keeping good habits are so important and you post has reinforced the fact! With the new year coming, I am going to jot down some new daily habits to improve my success

  5. monica Young December 30, 2020 at 1:28 am - Reply

    I park faraway so I force myself to walk some more (unless it is raining). A new year means new goals, not only fitness but also mental, more me time for sure

  6. Sakshi Dhariwal December 30, 2020 at 4:07 am - Reply

    Such a strong article. Yes, ita time to press reboot on the new year and make a healthy routine 🙂

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