Every month we feature our awesome members. They are inspirational, they rock and we wouldn’t be where we are without their continued support of our wellness movement. Our November Member Profile is Sarah!
What’s your favorite wellness quote?
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
What are some of your favorite exercises?
Pretty much anything with weights. I am a runner but for some reason, I have a love/hate relationship with that sprint around the block.
What motivates you to stay healthy?
My mental sanity, and of course my family. I have a two-year-old and a four-year-old. I am hands down a much better mother, wife, friend and person when I exercise and take care of myself. It is important to me that I lead by example for my kids, and maintain my health for my husband. We are partners in life, and both committed to a healthy lifestyle so we can be there for each other on down the road.
What do you do to stay balanced in your daily life (hobbies)?
After having two kids I honestly feel like I have put some of my hobbies on the back burner. Now that my youngest is two I am dedicated to finding myself and rekindling some of my hobbies. One thing that has stayed constant is my yoga practice. The practice and the community continue to keep me grounded and centered.
If this food/meal were the last available on Earth and you were the lucky recipient, what would it be?
This is a hard question for me. I love food and I have done a lot of work to move away from the idea of dieting or restricting what I can or can’t have. In the past, I would have probably chosen some meal I hadn’t allowed myself to eat for years. Now I try to listen really listen to what I want, so my taste is constantly changing depending on the season or time of day. It sounds cheesy but a fresh local meal shared with friends and family is always going to sound the best. And wine, don’t forget the wine.
What are three of your upcoming goals NOW, in one year and in five years?
Now: to run the Urban Cow half marathon. One year: to do one unassisted pull-up. Five years: to rediscover my hobbies from the question above. And also to get more photographs of myself. Trying to find a picture for this project was challenging because I rarely get pictures of myself anymore.
What are some songs currently on your playlist?
I always cheat and use playlists my friends have made. I love music but I am horrible at remembering the names of songs.
What do you do for fun locally?
Music in the Park, run on the bike trail, explore the different parks, try new restaurants, go to the farmer’s markets or just walk around downtown. There’s always something new to see or try. Sacramento has so much to offer.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Dedicated, Strong, Loving
How has Inspired Wellness impacted your life?
It has made me feel strong again. I continued to run, go to spin class and practice yoga through both of my pregnancies, but my strength training had fallen to the wayside. I live right around the corner from IW and I would see this strong community of people running around the block all of the time. I finally worked up the nerve and bought a Groupon and never looked back. I love the IW community.