January 2019 Member Profile: Brandy!

Every month we feature our awesome members. They are inspirational, they rock and we wouldn’t be where we are without their continued support of our wellness movement. Our January Member Profile is Brandy!

What’s your favorite wellness quote?
“Whether you think you can or you can’t…you’re right.” -Henry Ford

What are some of your favorite exercises?
I’m trying to embrace the moves I hate so… box jumps, running, burpees

What motivates you to stay healthy?
I feel so much better not only physically, but also mentally when I’m focused on maintaining good health. Also, I have 2 young kids, so gotta keep up with them!

What do you do to stay balanced in your daily life (hobbies)?
Is scheduling myself a monthly massage a hobby? I also am self employed, so not overscheduling myself with work is important. Hobby wise, I love to cook, read, and I also take boxing lessons/classes, which makes me feel like a strong badass!

If this food/meal were the last available on Earth and you were the lucky recipient, what would it be?
I think I’d go with an Indian feast…dal, nan, chicken tiki masala, mango lassi

What are three of your upcoming goals NOW, in one year and in five years?
5 years: Have all of the houses remodel projects on my list is done. Travel abroad with husband and both kids + maintain goal weight.

What are some songs currently on your playlist?
A Spotify public playlist called “covers that don’t suck” has been in heavy rotation lately and this morning I had a dance party with my daughter to Whitney’s “I want to dance with Somebody”

What do you do for fun locally?
I have a 1-year-old, so my time out is limited recently but I love checking out new restaurants, I love Asha Urban Baths and love the river trail for biking.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Hardworking, creative, flexible

How has Inspired Wellness impacted your life?
I feel in control again….of eating, health, wellness, which has affected every other aspect of my life. I LOVE IW! Thank you Christina!


  1. Emily January 16, 2019 at 5:50 am - Reply

    Thanks for sharing.m! It’s akways fun to get to know more about the people at IW!

  2. Millie January 22, 2019 at 4:51 am - Reply

    “Embracing the moves I hate,” . . . Love flipping something that would typically be a weakness into a strength! 🙂

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