It’s too hot
It’s too cold
It’s too early
It’s too late
It’s too hard
I’m too tired
I’m too busy
I’m too overwhelmed
When x,y,z happens I’ll do it
Any of those sound familiar?
We talk ourselves into waiting and put off working toward our fitness and nutrition goals. We get married to a set of conditions and give away our chance at vitality. What perfect set of conditions need to exist before you will make the change? What do the people in your life need to do or not do? What cosmic alignments need to occur?
We’re a clever species, and never at our most impeccable when we’re trying to justify our way through self sabotaging habits. Can you flip the switch and claim your strength? The fact is, if we wait for the perfect set of conditions we could be waiting till the sun’s implosion. Conditions don’t matter for success, discipline does. Period. We’ve got to shed unconscious expectations that create walls. The perfect set of conditions are a mirage in the desert; they don’t exist. We’ve got to get real so we can become our best selves.
Check out some tips for getting out of neutral and moving forward:
1. Just do it. Nike’s iconic slogan was clever well before its time. In an age of endless opportunity, it’s not about HOW you’re going to do it, it’s about WHEN. Don’t over think every step and don’t assume failure if one piece of the puzzle fails to fit. Sometimes being too structured means you only achieve your goals if everything lines up. Maybe try switching it up by just doing it. Jump in, get your feet wet and enjoy the ride instead of dissecting it step-by-step.
2. Find a buddy or group. Fitness and health are more fun with others. Sure there are some that prefer to go it alone, but for the majority of people we meet, they tend to push themselves harder and stay more accountable when they’ve got something or someone to show up for. Some examples include: our [fabulous] boot camps, a fun sport [such as] a run/jog buddy or a challenge such as our Cleanse30 program.
3. Get out of your own head. Ever struggled with paralysis from analysis? Yeah, us too. It’s easy to get so worked about something you want to accomplish that you never end up actually doing it. The irony, right? When your mind starts designing those [admittedly] impressive excuses, make it a point to redirect and find something else to do. Remember, YOU are in control. Not your excuses.
4. Create a goal board. Find quotes, photos, articles etc. to put up on a “goal board”. Keep this around and refer to it often.
5. Write yourself a letter. How will you feel once you reach your goals? What will that look like? Write a letter to yourself in the future detailing all the reasons it would be silly not to stick to the plan. Discredit your excuses in advance in this letter and really drive home how great you feel when staying dedicated.
What are some things you do to get out of neutral? Leave a comment and tell us!
Until Next Time,
Inspired Wellness