Guest Post by Christina Sanghera
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
Well, I am a certified anxious person then, times one thousand. Through the years I’ve struggled with the unknown and simply living in the present moment. Part of this stems from a need to control which most anxious folk possess. The underlying thought process? If you can control it, it can’t hurt you. But we all know that’s not how life works. There are curve balls, dirt roads leading to nowhere and just plain unexpected nonsense that creeps in at the worst time. And in our constant need to control we find ourselves wrapped up in a mind that won’t stop zooming from one could be a scenario to the next. Oh, and let’s not forget that when it rains it truly does feel like it POURS …
When I was in retail banking where I remained for thirteen years my anxiety really came to life. I had next to zero control as I was mainly dictated by corporate policy and angry customers as a result of such policy. There were many panic attacks, heart palpitations and daydreaming of something better. But in spite of the bad, I am also thankful for the good: great people (some of whom became lifelong friends), valuable training on a variety of topics that would later help me transition into full time business ownership and most importantly perspective: I learned that in order to survive each day in an environment that wasn’t bringing me joy, I had to learn how to have perspective instead of falling into negativity and worry. I had to learn how to create my day rather than letting my day decorate me with all of its “problems”.
This realization did not come easy. There was a lot of resistance in the beginning. It was almost as if I preferred mental anguish to actually feeling better because I had become so comfortable with my rapid-fire reactions and a false sense of control. It wasn’t until I started to feel better that I realized how much suffering I had actually endured and even worse, brought on myself with mere thoughts (which are very, very powerful). After making a plan with the hubs to say goodbye to the corporate world and come join the business (this awesome business, Inspired Wellness!) full time, I started devising a plan for how I could keep it together while we worked toward our ultimate goal. I did things like (and I still do today):
- Read awesome self-help books. Yup, I said it. SELF HELP. Aint’ no shame in my game. I’m on a mission to better myself, and what better way to do that than with the culmination of YEARS of experience and wisdom through a super helpful book? And they provided a TON of perspective and peace. One that really stands out is “The Universe Has Your Back” by Gabby Bernstein.
- Started and maintained a meditation practice, even if I only had 5 minutes per day. During each session, I pray, envision my ideal life and think of everything going smoothly instead of all the negative there is to ponder.
- Really started to focus on and believe in living in the present moment. Remember that quote from the beginning of this post? It’s one of my favorites because it brings to light the inner turmoil of choosing NOT to reside in the beauty that the present moment has to offer. Now, when I find myself in FREAK-OUT mode, I stop and recite these words: “I choose to live in the present moment”. I repeat this mantra until I am truly, madly, deeply living in the present moment instead of simply wishing that I were. This is a powerful feeling, one that is almost indescribable. For someone who constantly worries about what’s next, there is total freedom in just letting it go and trusting that things will work out. Maybe not exactly as you planned, but they will and you will be led further down your life path.
- Started to create my day instead of letting my day decorate me with each stressor. This naturally made me start to see the good in the bad and to “chill out” a little more. No need to get worked up twenty times a day. That does no one (or my blood pressure) any good.
That last point above really came to life the other day when I was left stranded on the side of the road at 5am. I posted the story to our private wellness group and lots of people could relate, so I thought I’d share it today in hopes of inspiring you, too:
So this morning my car just stopped working on my way to teach my morning class … wouldn’t start back up and was making all kinds of crazy noises! To say it felt overwhelming at5am and a full list of clients to train throughout the day is an understatement.
I started to panic at first, but then I thought … what can I do in this moment? I can PANIC and prolong the feeling of frustration, or I can take decisive action and handle it.
So that’s exactly what I did. I called roadside assistance, texted my clients to let them know and got a sub for my morning class. About that tow … turns out they can’t be here until 9:55am (as I type this I am still waiting). Okay, breathe. Seeing as though I need to be here when the tow truck arrives, I can’t just leave without having to make my way back later with the right timing. So wait here I did …
I happened to break down right near the freeway where there’s a Starbucks and gas station, so I grabbed my things (lunch pale included) and hoofed it over to SBUX.
I’ve been catching up on various tasks since 5am-ish because I decided to take control of my day instead of letting it control me.
Why am I sharing this? Our mindset in times of turmoil can really shape how long we draw out the suffering. Imagine if I had panicked since 5am and done nothing but sit there frustrated and mad at the world? Believe me, I totally wanted to do this.
But I’m realizing the importance of a positive MINDSET. Of putting good energy into the Universe so it comes right back full circle. I’m learning that moments of frustration don’t have to be entire days, weeks and months. They can be just that: moments.
The next time you find yourself in a less-than-ideal situation, take a moment to assess things from an outside-looking-in perspective. Make the choice to choose positive action instead of panic. Decide that your day will NOT be ruined by one event. You have hours, days, weeks, months, years still to enjoy … don’t let them go to waste.
I’m not perfect and I still have my moments, but I’m working on myself everyday and determined to continue making big strides. I am not ashamed of this side of me. I embrace it and choose to see the bright side.
Do you deal with anxiety and the depression it can lead to? Let’s end the stigma. Know that you’re not alone and it’s OKAY. We are all in this together. Comment below with some of your favorite tips for easing an anxious mind!
An Anxious Gal Learning As She Goes
About Inspired Wellness
We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You CAN have it all; you just need some determination, grit and the desire to truly change your life!
Catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing with our new online training site + community coming soon!
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Love Gabby Bernstein, as well as Abraham Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Mike Dooley — they have shown me the easiest ways to go from resistance to allowing, from anxiety to peace, from getting in my own way to letting energy flow.
YESS! Some of my favorites too. Pure gold. Thanks for reading 🙂
Thank you for this. I have been going through a lot of anxiety and panic attacks the last month or so because I take on everyone’s POTENTIAL stress and try to find ways to make them feel better when I am not concentrating on me feeling better. My daughter has to try out again for her HS volleyball team and I am so worried how she will react IF she doesn’t make the team. How will I make her feel better and not feel like a failure because she is an amazing person who has so much to give? My husband has been given more work to deal with in addition to his normal job and he is stressed and works late and I wonder how can I make life easy on him at home so he doesn’t have to worry about things? Please note that neither my daughter nor my husband has never asked me to take on this stress. They just keep going and living life with a smile while I am worrying and losing sleep and having anxiety attacks. I know I need to start my exercise routine again, but how can I get up when I have had 3 hours of sleep? Ugh. I know this is all me, I need to get out of the cycle of crazy. But reading this helps me to know that I am not alone and I can make changes for me. So, I will begin today with a better outlook and remind myself that we will all be okay.
Thank you so much for sharing with me! I know it isn’t easy battling anxiety. You are so right in that you are NOT alone. I tend to want to make everyone happy as well and then I drive myself crazy. Often times THEY are not even as worried about the outcome of their own situation as me! One thing that has helped me is to re-frame and realize that not everything has to be worst case scenario. I truly believe that things play out the way they are supposed to, and that things align (or don’t align) to make way to better opportunities. So seeing the good and/or the opportunity in every situation helps. Also, spending time on self care outside of my workout – at least 30 minutes per day. Meditating, reading, whatever it is that brings me peace. Reminds me that I AM worth it and that in order to take care of others I must first take care of myself. We’ve got this! And the next time you find yourself ruminating, think “I love myself enough to give myself the gift of peace”. Another favorite is “I choose to live in the present moment”. There’s something very freeing about choosing not to obsess about what hasn’t happened, or worry over things that already have. These quotes/affirmations have helped me realize that keeping my cool is a form of self care in and of itself! Reach out anytime <3 ~ Christina
Sleep! That’s my anxiety buster. You can’t worry while you’re sleeping, and a full nights sleep solves a lot of problems (or at least, imbalances). I highly recommend “Sleep Revolution” by Arianna Huffington. Now I’m in bed before 9 and wake up at 5. No more screens at night and I get a quiet house in the morning to clear my thoughts.
I wouldn’t generally say I’m an “anxious” person. Most people tell me that I’m pretty laid-back, until I’m not! LOL! But I make conscious decisions to not waste any energy on things or people I “cannot control.” I only have soo much energy to get through the day and for my family so anything that drains my energy that aren’t things I have to do or in relation to my family I basically don’t stress on it.
Positive thoughts and doing things that raise my vibe are my stress reducers!
Love finding the positive over the negative! Good reminder. Thanks!
I am trying really hard to meditate for at least ten minutes every day – I have read so many AMAZING studies from Harvard and some of the top “brain research” institutions that show the tremendous benefits of daily meditation not only on your emotional well-being but your mental and physical well-being too (decrease risk of Alzheimer’s, reduce risk of cardiac issues, etc). Namaste!
I am meditating for 10 min first thing in the morning using the CALM App. Totally love it and look forward to it each morning. Starts my day off right! Highly recommend it!
Yes! The last 6 years of my life, I’ve been working so hard to be the best me I can be. Doing seminars, retreats and reading countless books! But, as I’m reading this, I am under the covers hiding from the world. I took off work early because I was having a rough day. anxiety and depression the last 2 years has really cranked up, which is what pushed me to do this cleanse. Thank you for giving us hope and being so open. I really do my best to see the positive, yet every day is a battle. I am learning, and we are all in earth school together.
Oh and, I use Just Relax app in the AM. I love it! Also, for anyone interested, this book is absolutely profound (I think anyway): “Dying to be Me” by Anita Moorjani
I have the worst anxiety and it always seems to hit at the most times inconvenient times!! Reading the story about your car not starting at Starbucks was so eye opening. In that state, I probably would’ve freaked out. The way you handled it really taught me how to just stop, breathe, and remind myself to put the situation in perspectives. A lot of times there are options (like a closeby Starbucks) that you may not notice in the midst of an anxious episode. I will keep this in mind next time I am feeling this way. Thank you!!!