How to stay on track when you don’t have time
Here's a story: The other day we met with a client who was SO frustrated because it felt like everything in her life was working against her goals. She has a demanding job … her [...]
The difference between vegan and plant-based
Have you ever looked at the terms “vegan” and “plant-based” and thought they were interchangeable? It can get confusing! There are some pretty big differences between the two diets, so I’m going to [...]
You have to run this long to burn off pizza
I remember seeing a chart of “burpee equivalents” for food a few years ago. Do you remember it? A cookie = 141 burpees Small meatball sub = 402 burpees Big Mac = 506 burpees [...]
Finding time for fitness can change your life
Do you know what one of the biggest reasons is for people not being able to commit to a fitness routine? They say they “don’t have enough time,” but I’m here to help! In [...]
Steal this Antioxidant-boosting protein smoothie
What’s the first food that pops into your head when you think of a healthy breakfast? If you think of a healthy breakfast as a smoothie, you’re in good company! Smoothies are a quick [...]
Why You Shouldn’t Skip Cooldown
I'll be sharing some simple tips that you can use to boost your results, and this one is surprisingly effective. It can help you combat stress, improve moods, and boost your workout results. Here [...]
Fitness & Moderation: the minimum effective dose
I’ve been talking a lot about moderation this month, so far mostly about food … but guess what? Moderation ALSO applies to exercise and your workouts. The old days of “no pain, no gain” are [...]
How To Stop Stress Eating (or NOT eating)
If you’ve ever had a stressful day (or year!) that affected your eating habits, you are NOT alone. In a study, more than 75% of adults said that stress played a role in their eating [...]
The one hurdle between you and your goals
If you could call out the #1 enemy of your goals, what would it be? There are so many to choose from: Not having enough time Lack of support Not knowing what to do [...]