About Christina Sanghera

As Co-Owner of Inspired Wellness, Christina is a Mompreneur on a mission who once struggled just to get through the day. Her lifestyle was a merry-go-round of unhealthy habits, and when she was later diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disease, it all came full circle and she knew something had to change. It was this moment in her life that inspired countless hours of education, training and soul searching. Having experienced firsthand what it feels like to suddenly lose your health and wellbeing and to struggle daily, her unique point of view allows her to offer sound advice that’s rooted in empathy from having experienced many of the ailments she now helps women overcome. In the beginning of 2018 she welcomed a healthy, vibrant baby girl after multiple unexplained miscarriages years prior. Her birth was a testament to the tireless effort of reclaiming health one step at a time. Be it holistic “bio-hacking”, an intense HIIT routine or downtime with a good book or podcast, Christina now dedicates her life to inspiring others and immersing herself in natural, sustainable health. Through real food nutrition, exercise and self care she helps women from all walks of life navigate their health, achieve their goals and thrive. Follow her journey on Social Media: >>Instagram: @christinasanghera

How To Make Your Goals Less Overwhelming

By | July 16th, 2019|Latest News|

It’s no secret: setting goals is one of the most important elements of actually getting where you want to go. It’s the fuel for your engine. Without goals, you’re running on fumes, and without clearly defined goals, it’s easy to coast through life without a clear purpose and direction. We feel like we’re getting somewhere [...]

Remember “Sitting is the New Smoking”?

By | July 9th, 2019|Latest News|

Alright, you ready? I’ve got some GREAT news for you today … and some even BETTER news on top of that! If you work behind a desk the majority of the day, you’ll definitely want to check this out… First, remember a few years back when the headlines screamed about how sitting is the new [...]

Improve Your Health With These Simple Kitchen Upgrades

By | June 20th, 2019|Latest News|

In today’s post, we’re diving into two important topics that are sure to improve your health: how to make the switch from plastics to glass, and kitchen gadgets that will inspire your inner chef so you can prepare those yummy, healthy meals in abundance. First up, let’s talk plastic!   Switching From Plastics Quick question [...]

Save HOURS With This Simple Meal Prep Trick

By | June 13th, 2019|Latest News, Nutrition|

Are you ready for a HUGE time saver that will instantly up your meal prep game!? Something that will make your life easier, save you money AND help you stay on track with your nutrition? Check it out: in a nutshell, there are two camps of people when it comes to meal prep. We completely [...]

Doing This FIRST Thing In The Morning Can Change Everything

By | May 21st, 2019|Latest News|

I’ve had a thyroid disease for several years now, something called Hashimotos. Among the things I’ve learned is how to properly take my thyroid hormone each morning. I was surprised to find that 16 ounces of water helps it get properly absorbed in my system. Prior to this, I always knew in the back of [...]

Beat Decision Fatigue and Reach Your Goals For Good

By | May 17th, 2019|Latest News|

So you get home from work - you’re stressed out and you’ve had a long day. All you want to do is RELAX, but life beckons. Or let’s reverse it: you’ve had a truly spectacular day of sightseeing, hanging with people you love and living your best life. Either way, decision fatigue, that sloooowwwww but [...]

5 Fat Loss Facts You Need To Know

By | April 29th, 2019|Latest News|

Is it just me, or has fat loss become a total mystery? We’re given soooo much information about the latest and greatest fad, led to believe that this time it will be different. Only this time turns into every other time before, because in the quest for lasting fat loss it’s easy to get lost [...]

When You Know You Need To Exercise Regularly (But Lack The Motivation)

By | April 11th, 2019|Latest News|

As a boutique fitness and transformation studio owner, the pattern below is something I see all the time. Until now, I hadn’t dived deeper into the WHY. Enter this blog post. It is my hope that if you struggle to exercise regularly and stick to something you started, that you take back your power and realize that you are a badass who’s capable of reinventing herself over and over and over again. […]

Gasp! The WEEKEND Is Sabotaging Your Weight

By | February 27th, 2019|Latest News|

Oh hey there Weekend, it’s nice to see you again. You and your lack of structure that usually leads to feeling completely off track and having to start over on Monday. In fact, after a weekend binge, there’s a sense of hunger that sets in due to wildly fluctuating blood sugar levels that has nothing [...]

Here’s Why Reaching Your Goals Feels Impossible

By | February 14th, 2019|Latest News|

We hear it all the time, right? To form a solid habit, perform your goal for a magical 21-day window and … viola! But just like using BMI to measure one’s health (a long outdated method), assuming that all it takes is 21 days to form a solid habit is a great way to set [...]