About Christina Sanghera

As Co-Owner of Inspired Wellness, Christina is a Mompreneur on a mission who once struggled just to get through the day. Her lifestyle was a merry-go-round of unhealthy habits, and when she was later diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disease, it all came full circle and she knew something had to change. It was this moment in her life that inspired countless hours of education, training and soul searching. Having experienced firsthand what it feels like to suddenly lose your health and wellbeing and to struggle daily, her unique point of view allows her to offer sound advice that’s rooted in empathy from having experienced many of the ailments she now helps women overcome. In the beginning of 2018 she welcomed a healthy, vibrant baby girl after multiple unexplained miscarriages years prior. Her birth was a testament to the tireless effort of reclaiming health one step at a time. Be it holistic “bio-hacking”, an intense HIIT routine or downtime with a good book or podcast, Christina now dedicates her life to inspiring others and immersing herself in natural, sustainable health. Through real food nutrition, exercise and self care she helps women from all walks of life navigate their health, achieve their goals and thrive. Follow her journey on Social Media: >>Instagram: @christinasanghera

How to cut stress (not meditating)

By | December 10th, 2020|Latest News|

We all know too much stress is bad for us, right?    So we do all the things to help prevent it – we get enough sleep, don’t overschedule ourselves, exercise, eat right, do breathing exercises, etc. etc. etc.   And even so, sometimes we find ourselves smack in the middle of a stress overload! [...]

How gratitude helps you beat stress before it starts

By | November 24th, 2020|Latest News|

It’s the week of Thanksgiving! And with all of the fun and busyness of the holiday, things can get a little hectic and crazy. Am I right?!   Run to this store … go to that place … pick this up … drop that off … get this done … and the list goes on [...]

The Importance of Mindfulness and being Present

By | November 12th, 2020|Latest News|

Do you ever lie awake at night with your mind racing with all of the things you have to do?   Don’t you hate that? Or even worse, thinking back on something you wish you’d said, or a situation you would like to go back and change?    It could be something that happened last [...]

Here’s the BEST proven plan for your goals…

By | October 22nd, 2020|Latest News|

Have you ever noticed how invigorated you feel after you go for a walk … do some yoga … or even get up off the couch to tackle some chores? There are so many reasons for this “feel good” effect that extends far beyond the mood-boosting hormones that get released when you get some exercise. [...]

5 Seconds to your Best Self

By | October 8th, 2020|Latest News|

Have you heard of the 5-second rule? (No, I am not talking about the 5-second rule for food dropped on the floor.) Call it whatever you want – your motivation, drive, or discipline – but this rule can be a total game-changer in that department. I’ve talked about this in the past, and come back to it [...]

Where do your fave foods fall on the glycemic index scale?

By | September 24th, 2020|Latest News|

Since we’ve been talking about cravings this month … and one of the reasons we can have certain cravings is because of the foods we eat … we need to talk about the glycemic index (GI) because it can play a BIG role in your cravings!   We don’t generally pay a lot of attention to [...]

What your cravings are trying to tell you

By | September 9th, 2020|Latest News|

This month we’re taking a deep dive into CRAVINGS and there’s a definite time of day they seem to strike the most …   At night!   In my latest ebook, Crush Your Cravings, I talk about a lot of physical, emotional, and lifestyle causes of cravings. (If you want a free copy, you can [...]

How to turn off the negative voice in your head

By | August 27th, 2020|Latest News|

Did you know that your inner dialogue (aka the “voice in your head”) is one of the biggest influencers on your confidence and self-esteem? If your self-talk is positive and empowering – fantastic! That didn’t happen by accident. You developed a HABIT of speaking to yourself that way, and your life likely reflects that positivity. But [...]

Acting as your “Future Self”

By | August 14th, 2020|Latest News|

I want to talk to you about something SO IMPORTANT today that is a big part of keeping up with a fitness and wellness lifestyle! And I have a fun and empowering tip for putting it into action … starting today. First: this “something” is SELF-WORTH … … and it fuels SO MUCH about your life! It’s [...]

Part 2 of “master training” in macro-based eating

By | July 23rd, 2020|Latest News|

Ready to get into the GOOD stuff?! The other week I sent you Part 1 of this blog series, which explained how to calculate your macros. If you haven’t read it yet, please do that first because today we’re going to put those numbers you calculated into ACTION! Go here to catch up! Knowing and [...]