Meet Simar!

Simar Notra – Group Fitness Trainer

Simar is a hard worker. He grew up like most of you here in Northern California where he remains today as an exercise science student at CSU Sacramento. Growing up, he was never particularly active. He preferred sitting in front of the TV for most of the day with some snacks where he won’t be bothered. Over time, this led to obesity and other related issues, which scared him into getting in shape.

This led to Simar dropping over 60 pounds of fat and to take on weightlifting. As his journey continued, he began to understand other aspects of fitness such as different modalities, the importance of mobility and flexibility, and a deep love for combat sports. It was then that he realized his greatest gifts, a fierce determination, and a keen analytical mind. He not only developed an in-shape body and the confidence to boot, but he found his passion for fitness, exercise, and a desire to help others succeed with a strong understanding of how to get the most out of the exercise. Simar believes that exercise is an essential part of human life and happiness, and wants to share his experience with you. He’s friendly and easy to talk to and loves being asked questions, so don’t hesitate if you need assistance.

When not at the gym, Simar can be found training Muay Thai kickboxing, spending time with his dog Cam, or just vibing.

Simar’s Wellness Profile:

What Sets Inspired Wellness Apart?
Inspired Wellness is the rare gym that truly cares about its members and takes the time to check in with them personally.

Overall Wellness Philosophy:
Stay moving, stay focused

Favorite Workout Tunes:
Big metalhead, give me that intensity baby

Latest Accomplishment:
Becoming a certified personal trainer

Teaching Style In 3 Words:
Demonstrate, observe, adjust

Favorite Exercises:
Heavy bag work, pullups, squats

Muay Thai, gaming, reading

Favorite Wellness Quote:
Physical health and mental health cannot be separated