Every month we feature our awesome members. They are inspirational, they rock and we wouldn’t be where we are without their continued support of our wellness movement. Our September Member Profile is Ronit!
What’s your favorite wellness quote?
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – (Hippocrates)
What are some of your favorite exercises?
Squats! And anything that works my core, arms and shoulders.
What motivates you to stay healthy?
Good wholesome food comes out of the ground! Why mess with perfection? I work at the intersection of agriculture, nutrition, health care and food policy and I am motivated by simple, delicious, unadulterated fresh food. That, and the benefits I gain from working out – when I exercise, I create reserves of energy for work and play, I sleep better and my outlook stays strong and positive.
What do you do to stay balanced?
I try to spend time outside every day. I cook and eat meals with my family. I laugh as much as possible. I dance in the kitchen. I indulge when appropriate.
If this food/meal were the last available on Earth and you were the lucky recipient, what would it be?
My mother’s chocolate chip banana cake – moist, super yummy, and represents a lifetime of birthday celebrations and maternal nurturing. That aside, a giant salad made after a visit to the Sunday Sacramento farmers market. This time of year could be spinach, snap peas, strawberries, mushrooms, carrots, avocado, almonds – and maybe a piece of grilled fresh fish on top.
What are three of your upcoming goals NOW, in one year and in five years?
I’d like to add yoga back into my routine this summer. In one year I’d like to get back up to 3+ weekly boot camps at IW and in five years I hope to say I’m in the best shape of my life.
How has Inspired Wellness impacted your life?
I joined Inspired Wellness in March 2013, and have never had so much physical strength and stamina. I’m also convinced that continuing classes through 7 months of pregnancy contributed to a very healthy, strong and confident pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum recovery. I can always depend on classes to improve my mood and I feel happy to have found this community.