Can we ask you to do something that goes against cultural norms? Can you please stop multi-tasking?
Seriously! We were not wired to do 25 things at a time. It’s hard to escape this in today’s culture. In fact, many people put “multi-tasking” on their resume as though it’s a badge of honor. But it’s NOT. Why be half (if that) good at a bazillion things? Don’t you want to absolutely dominate the things you pursue?
When we focus on one task at a time, not only do we become more productive, we also become more interesting to be around. Ever hung out with someone who’s constantly on their phone and only half listening? Do you ever feel genuinely connected in those moments? Check out some of our tried and true methods for getting reconnected in life and being more productive:
*Put your phone away when you’re hanging out with people.
Don’t be that person who half listens and half enjoys their life. Immerse yourself in every moment and be fully present. Put your phone away and engage in genuine conversation. We are wired to connect with others and create meaningful relationships. This has been scientifically proven to increase “feel good” hormones in the brain. Think of your phone as something that chips away at these moments bit by bit. Plus, don’t you think it’s a little insulting when people pull out their phone, as if to say you’re just not that interesting?
*Time yourself with tasks and focus on ONE thing at a time.
Instead of attempting to half-do 25 things at a time, write those 25 things on a piece of paper in order of importance. Now, give each task a time limit. For instance, give yourself 45 minutes to answer emails, 20 minutes to finish the draft you’ve been meaning to, etc. This allows you to give full attention to the task at hand and get really good at it. Having a time limit also minimizes distractions like social media, because you’ve got your eye on the prize.
*Prioritize your objectives every day.
Every day, take 5-10 minutes to review your goals. Under each goal, break down literally every step you will need to take to complete it. Making things too vague leads to procrastination because the hill feels way too steep to climb. Breaking things down helps it feel (and be) more achievable. Once you’ve written out all the steps, every day decide what you want to chip away at and check in with yourself at the end of the day. Think of it as self accountability, and every step gets you closer to your destination.
*Give yourself a break.
We can’t be everything to everyone, all the time. There will be days we don’t do everything we planned to do, days we get stuck in envy mode and days we genuinely feel like we just didn’t achieve every little thing we set out to. And that’s okay. Part of this journey called life is riding the wave; and sometimes even swimming against it and choking on the choppy water, learning some damn good lessons along the way.
The key is to stop living on auto pilot and realize we aren’t wired for a black hole of commitments and deadlines with no strategy to achieve them. Get really good at being really human, gracefully flawed and determined to learn with every step. Your body, mind and soul will thank you!
What are your tried-and-true methods for learning how to be productive instead of a multi-tasker? Share with us in the comments!
Until Next Time,
Inspired Wellness
About Inspired Wellness
We are a wellness movement aimed at cultivating greatness in all areas of life. We believe that everything is connected and that having the body of your dreams shouldn’t come at the price of your mental and emotional health. You can catch us locally in sunny Sacramento CA inspiring lives at our wellness center with fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs, or online doing the same thing!
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